Designing a new education business

  • A well established non-profit organization had an education division interested in tapping under-leveraged assets to build net-new revenue streams from the private sector, while driving educational improvements and staying true to its mission.

  • In-depth interviews were conducted with all the core constituents. First internal key stakeholders divulged the equities and assets that the organization had to tap. We then interviewed K-12 teachers and administrators and school board members. Finally, educational publishers and curriculum developers were interviewed.

  • Armed with market data, we conducted multiple participatory design sessions with internal stakeholders. Using business model canvases as a palette, we ere able to devise a new business model with monetization streams by arbitraging their position between public schools and publishers.

Launching a venture fund

  • An organization wanted to launch a new fund in the market, helping accredited investors access the early stage market.

  • Investors, early stage founders, general partners and limited partners were interviewed to better understand the landscape and define the opportunity space.

  • A new type of fund was architected with both low expenditures and low carry, as well as low barriers of entry. The economics of the fund through maturity was modeled out to ensure viability and feasibility.